Njeru, Ezekiel Mugendi2023-05-302023-05-302018http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/25475POST WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REPORT :Sustainable Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Under Changing Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa (SANCCSSA-MALAWI)The 2018 LUANAR- CABMACC international research dissemination conference was organized by LUANAR University, Malawi and Norwegian Government. The conference targeted researchers/academicians interested in sustainable agriculture and climate change to promote dissemination of results. The venue was BICC, Lilongwe Malawi from 16th to 18th October, 2018englobal climate changenetworkingSustainable Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Under Changing Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa (SANCCSSA-MALAWI)Technical Report