Gakii, Kitty Ann2024-08-012024-08-012024-06 Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration (Finance) of Kenyatta University. June 2024 Supervisor Mr James M. Muturi Department of Accounting and Finance Kenyatta UniversityGone are the days when each banking exchange required a visit to the banking office. Money transactions have changed in form, and banks have contracted their activities to third-parties to avoid the cost associated with opening up new. Kenyan keeping money division has been quick to grasp the progressions, and in the course of the most recent seven years, a bunch of operators have so far taken up the choice. Organization banking includes various advances together for the moneyrelated establishments to monitor the exchanges done by the retail outlet. This investigation is based on past trends whose objective is to assess agents investing in the country’s business banks. This research embraced a descriptive research plan where the primary target was 18 banks in Kenya that offer banking services through Agency Banking. The research was conducted in order to close significant gaps in knowledge on this topic, especially with regard to the Kenyan agency banking sector, where no comprehensive attempts have been made to understand this aspect of the office betting on the execution of bank experts' business. Particular goals were to explore the impact of agency banking organization, agency banking networking, maintenance cost required, and impact of monetary openness related to office saving money on the budgetary performance of business banks in Kenya. The research accordingly focused on every single business bank offering agency banking in Kenya, which was eighteen as of December 2016. The research was a census survey meaning that data was collected from all the 18 Commercial banks offering agency banking in Kenya though individuals being interrogated. Essentially, both primary and secondary information was used in the research. Essential information was gathered through blended modes of data collection where face-to-face interviewing and self-completion techniques were used. CBK's annual report and supervisory reports were also used to obtain further information to determine the total number of operators registered and the value-based esteem led by the specialists. To test the legitimacy and unwavering quality of the instrument, a pilot research was likewise directed. Quantitative information gathered was investigated by the utilization of descriptive statistics using SPSS and presented through rates, standard deviations and frequencies. The findings were presented using relevant bar charts, pie graphs, diagrams, and in prose-form. Content Analysis was used to test information that is subjective or part of the information gathered from the open-ended inquiries. The research shows that the highest correlation was between agency banking network and agency banking maintenance cost, and agency banking maintenance cost and financial performance, as well as the financial performance and agency banking network. At the 0.01 level, all of these associations were significant and positive. R-squared of 0.626 and a standard error of 0.719 were reported. The study concludes that Kenya’s listed commercial banks' financial performance was significantly improved through agency banking. According to the report, commercial banks should completely embrace agency banking by using better security information technologies to increase client reliability. The report also suggests that the Central Bank should think about developing a clear agency banking regulatory strategy that establishes a common platform for all financial institutions. By doing this, fair market completion can be improved. Financial institutions would be prevented from abusing their customersenAgency Banking and Financial Performance of Kenya’s Listed Commercial BanksThesis