Mugenda, Olive M.Hira, T. K.2014-06-282014-06-281998Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 9(2), 19981052-3073 main purpose of this study was to identify differences in factors that predict financial satisfaction among retirees and non-retirees and to ascertain how retirees and non-retirees differ in financial beliefs and behavior. Non-retirees were more likely than otherwise similar retirees to report worrying about finances. A higher proportion of non-retirees reported dissatisfaction with various aspects of their financial situation. However, non-retirees were more likely to perceive themselves as financially better off in comparison to others, or in relation to the past, than the retired respondents. Non-retirees were more optimistic about their future financial situation.enFinancial situationRetireesSatisfactionPredictors of financial satisfaction: Differences between retirees and non-retireesArticle