Mutheu, Betty2023-10-312023-10-312023Mutheu, B. Work-Life-Balance And Employee Performance In The Commercial Banking Sector In Nairobi City Country, in the commercial banking sector in Nairobi County face demanding working conditions, long working hours and work pressures that affect their family lives, which can hinder their work performance and promote poor work performance. In this context, this study attempts to deepen the impact of work-life balance on employee performance. The survey specifically looked at factors such as flexible working arrangements, leave schemes, the interaction between work and family roles and hours worked, assessing their impact on productivity. employee's work capacity. This study is based on theoretical frameworks including diffusion theory, conflict theory, facilitation theory, and high engagement theory. Carrying out a descriptive research survey design, the study involved a group of 140 employee participants from various departments in commercial banks in Nairobi County. Structured questionnaires were the main data collection tool, and their reliability and validity were confirmed by a pretest phase. Regression model was explored to show how employee job performance is affected by family responsibility, flexible work arrangements, work life conflict and welfare policies. Descriptive statistics, expressed as frequency distribution tables, facilitate the presentation of the data collected. Empirical lessons learned from the study results highlight the negative impact of inflexible work schedules and the lack of structured leave programs on employee job performance. The analysis also revealed the impact of workfamily conflict and long work hours on job performance. Inferential analysis confirms the presence of a notable positive correlation between each independent variable and employee job performance, specifically emphasizing the interaction between leave programs, community perceptions and flexibility of work schedule. Further insights come from the regression model, which highlights the collective strength of four independent variables (work-family conflict, leave program, work hours, and flexible schedule activities) to explain significant variation in job performance over time. in Nairobi County. The predictive significance of the four variables on employee job performance was confirmed. Based on these findings, the study concludes that optimizing flexible work schedules, minimizing work-family conflict, institutionalizing structured leave programs, and establishing parameters Clearly defined work schedules are essential to enhance employee performance in commercial banks. . Recommendations from this study call for adopting shift work arrangements, creating appropriate organizational frameworks to minimize work-family dissonance, and providing transparent work schedules and easy to manage to promote a harmonious balance between work and private life. By imparting actionable insights, this study enables practitioners and policymakers in the commercial banking sector in Nairobi County to build a supportive operating environment, Put the need for work-life balance first. These efforts will result in high employee performance, higher job satisfaction, and improved overall well-being.enWork-Life-Balance and Employee Performance in the Commercial Banking Sector in Nairobi City Country, KenyaArticle