Omari, Arthur MngomaTesha, JanetSarakikya, Halidini2023-04-202023-04-202020Omari, D. A. M., Sarakikya, H., & Tesha, J. (2020). Energy Generation from Biomass in Tanzania Impacts and Challenges: An Overview. International Journal of Engineering Research And, V9, 5, 789-793.2278-0181— At present, much attention is on how to find the appropriate and proper renewable energy source which will offer sufficient energy output to replace the use of conventional fossil fuel sources. The energy stored in various biomasses available in Tanzania is huge and can provide sufficient energy to supply the rural societies. The energy crises facing rural societies in Tanzania can be solved and minimized by proper harnessing the substantial biomass available in the Country. The energy conversion process from the biomass and the type of energy required plays a vital role in identifying the type of biomass required in the process. The objective of this paper is to address different types of energy from various biomass sources, highlight the challenges and impact of each type.enBiomassBio-fuelCow dungCassavaSugarcaneEnergy Generation from Biomass in Tanzania Impacts and Challenges: An OverviewArticle