Evans MwasiajiMutheu, Makau Nancy2023-08-072023-08-072023http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/26576Strategic Innovations and Organisational Performance of Telecommunication Mobile Network Operators in Machakos County KenyaThe comprehensive objective of the study was to establish the role of strategic innovations on Organisational performance on the telecommunication mobile network operators in Machakos County, Kenya. The three licensed mobile network operators in Machakos County being Airtel Kenya, Safaricom PLC and Telkom Kenya. The study’s targeted population consisted of marketing, technology, finance, human resource, and procurement officers, 45 in number in middle level managerial positions in these companies. Therefore the study sought to find the a binding factor which will results in bridging the gap by examining the impact of functional integration, market focus, and technology adoption on the performance of telecommunication mobile network operators in Machakos County. The researcher used close-ended questionnaires to collect data from the 45 participants using drop and pick method. Quantitative data analysis was performed using Descriptive statistics including mean, frequency, percentage, standard deviation, variance, and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25.0, with the results presented in tables, charts, and figures. To examine the relationship between the variables under investigation, regression analysis was conducted. The results demonstrated a meaningful and constructive association between the strategic innovations, functional integration, market focus and technological adoption on the performance of telecommunication mobile network operators in machakos county. R-squared value was .918, an indicator that the three independent variables can explain 91.8% of the dependent variable indicating on entire model being significant. The results suggest that improved technological adoption leads to better performance by telecommunication mobile network operators. The study also revealed that, there is need for telecommunication mobile network operators to fully integrate their functions to enable enhanced performance. More research on market focus is key in isolation from technological adoption and functional integration for having least positivity. The research also recommends that further study on other variables which affect performance of telecommunication mobile operators to be considered .enStrategic InnovationsOrganisational PerformanceTelecommunicationMobile Network OperatorsMachakos CountyKenyaStrategic Innovations and Organisational Performance of Telecommunication Mobile Network Operators in Machakos County KenyaThesis