Nyakundi, Augustus OnchariMaroko, Geoffrey MokuaMokua, Gladys NyamoitaOnyambu, Meshack Ondora2022-01-122022-01-122020Nyakundi, A. O., Maroko, G. M., Mokua, G. N., & Onyambu, M. O. (2020). STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT AS A DETERMINANT OF HEALTH INTERVENTION OUTCOMES: THE VARIED MESSAGES COMMUNICATED DURING HIV AND AIDS INTERVENTIONS IN KISII COUNTY, KENYA. International Journal of Communication Research, 10(4).http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/23101Research ArticleIntroduction. The management of stakeholder relationships, a key feature and function of communication, determines the outcomes of health interventions. This study sought to establish how stakeholder involvement and stakeholder relationship management were influencing the outcomes of the interventions against HIV and AIDS in Kisii County, Kenya. Materials and methods. Data was collected from 89 respondents drawn from 14 high volume hospitals in the county. These hospitals were purposively selected. The respondents comprised of health care staff, representatives of bodies involved in HIV and AIDS interventions in the county. These were selected purposively. Female sex workers and men who have sex with men were selected using convenience sampling technique. Data was collected from these respondents using interviews and focus group discussions. Additional data was collected from county and national strategic plans and policy documents selected purposively. Results and discussion. The key findings were that effective strategies of targeting, engaging and managing relationships with PLHIV and FSWs were employed. However, the strategies were effectively implemented in very few hospitals. There were no clear and consistent strategies and messages targeting and engaging the general population, men, young people, and victims of GBV in HIV and AIDS activities. Furthermore, the effectiveness of all the strategies employed in stakeholder relationship management was being undermined by lack of consultation with and involvement of health care workers by donor agencies and the relevant county government authorities in making critical decisions. Conclusions: Without proper stakeholder mapping, engagement and relationship management, the HIV and AIDS interventions may not be useful in achieving sustainable behaviour changenStakeholdersInvolvementConsultationRelationship managementBehaviour changeStakeholder Engagement and Management as a Determinant of Health Intervention Outcomes: The Varied Messages Communicated During HIV and AIDS Interventions in Kisii County, KenyaArticle