Njeri, Nyawira2014-12-022014-12-022014http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/11818Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) has been scaled up to elimination of mother-to-child transmission (eMTCT) to illustrate the global goals of eliminating all new cases of pediatric IllY. This new focus on elimination has been defmed as achieving transmission rates under 5% by use of innovative strategies so as to achieve the MDGs goal by 2015. In Kenya MTCT rate among infants is estimated at 27% at 18 months therefore need to come up with an EMTCT strategies. This study will therefore analyze the various interventions in place geared towards zero transmissions of Mother to child mv/Aids infection in Narok County. This information will be useful to the relevant stakeholders so as to come up with solutions to any issues raised with the goal of achieving elimination of mother to child transmissions. A cross sectional design will be employed in the research .The study will collect data from all the IllY positive mothers attending Maternal Child Health clinics postdelivery. Narok County is in south Rift valley with an estimated population of 850920 according to 2009 census. The County is characterized by poor infrascture resulting to lack of access to health facility, Maasai cultural practices which pose a risk to IllY infection and this leave delivery to be conducted at home by traditional birth attendants. Pretested semi structured questionnaires will be administered to the IllY positive mothers attending the postnatal clinic for the purpose of obtaining primary data upon consenting. Others who will be interviewed are the health care providers, community health workers in community units and mentor mothers by use of interview guided schedules. Purposive sampling technique will be used to obtain mothers with the desired characteristics .. Quantitative data will be analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18. Data will be presented using frequencies and proportions. Qualitative data will be collected form the Community Health Workers, health care providers and mentor mothers and categorized into themes based on the study objectives. This study is expected to provide data that will be able to help understand the MTCT practice in Narok County as we move towards zero transmission rates.enUtilization of interventions leading to zero transmission of mother-child HIV/aids among HIV infected women in Narok County, Kenya.Thesis