Setiawan, RomyAji, PriatmojoArifin, SyahdanIrmansyah, RizalRaenaldyKinyua, James Gitonga2024-04-122024-04-122024-01Setiawan, R. ., Aji, P. ., Arifin, S., Irmansyah, R. ., & Kinyua, J. G. (2024). Analysis of the risk of landslids in Kebomas, Gresik district. Calamity: A Journal of Disaster Technology and Engineering, 1(2), 65–76. landslide disaster occurred during the rainy season in Kebomas District, Gresik Regency, which has topography in the form of hills left over from lime mining in 1960-1990. A field survey conducted from December 2021 to March 2022 stated that landslides occurred during the rainy season in Kebomas District and caused damage to surrounding settlements. Land slope, rainfall, rock type, soil type, and land use are factors that influence the occurrence of landslides. The aim of this research is to map the level of landslide vulnerability in Kebomas District using the Geographic Information System. The research results show that there are three levels of landslide vulnerability in Kebomas District, namely, low, medium and high. The low vulnerability class is found in all villages in Kebomas District, most of which are in six villages or sub-districts in the south, west and north, namely; Dahanrejo, Kedanyang, Pambangan, Kembangan, Randuagung, and Segoromadu. The moderate vulnerability class is found in all villages in Kebomas District, most of which are in six villages in the southeast, northwest and north, namely; Randuagung, Pambangan, Dahanrejo, Kembangan, Sidomoro, and Ngargosari. Areas with a high vulnerability class are in the central part of the sub-districtenGresikGISlandslideoverlaysvulnerabilityAnalysis of the Risk of Landslids in Kebomas, Gresik DistrictArticle