Jesse, Samuel N.Maundu, John N.Twoli, Nicholas W.2021-12-092021-12-092016-07Samuel N. Jesse, John N. Maundu, Nicholas W. Twoli (2016). Augmented Instructional Role of the Teacher and Learner characteristics in computer assisted science lessons among secondary schools in Kenya. International Research Journal of Management and social Sciences Vol (1) Issue (7) Year (2016).: 2455-4553 Research Article in International Research Journal of Management and Social SciencesTeacher-centered instructional methods where learners are placed in a passive role is undesirable, yet such is the norm in the majority of classrooms in Kenya. The teaching technique that a teacher adopts may affect learners’ performance and therefore applying an appropriate teaching method is critical to the successful science instructional process. The study reported in this paper sought to investigate the influence of instructional methods on the role of the teacher and learners’ characteristics in science lessons. Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Science) teachers and Form Two learners from six secondary schools situated in Embu County in Kenya were involved in the research. The Form Two classes in three of the six secondary schools were randomly assigned group one while the Form Two classes in the remaining three schools were assigned group two. Group one was taught through computer assisted instruction (CAI) while in group two, conventional instructional methods (CIM) were used. The lessons were observed and data collected using Classroom Observation Schedule (COS). The obtained data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics with the help of SPSS version 20.0. The study found out that use of CAI in teaching science subjects promotes a more active role of the learners such as interacting with learning resources and consulting one another (collaboration) leading to more interest and attention of the learners. The instructional process was found to be more learner-centered with the teacher remaining as a facilitator or a guide to the learners. Various recommendations based on this study were therefore made including ensuring that CAI is implemented in secondary schools, need to provide secondary schools with appropriate ICT infrastructure, organizing CAI inservice courses, seminars and workshops for teachers as well as incorporating CAI inTeachers Training Colleges and university curriculum for pre-service teachers.enComputer Assisted InstructionConventional Instructional MethodsInstructional methodLearners characteristicsTeachers instructional roleAugmented Instructional Role of the Teacher and Learner Characteristics in Computer Assisted Science Lessons among Secondary Schools in Kenya.Article