Simon M. OnywereNyaga, Doreen Wanjiku2023-08-082023-08-082023 Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Master of Environmental Planning and Management in the School of Environmental Studies of Kenyatta University, March 2023.Protected areas are used as a strategy for conservation and sustainable development. They are a source of foreign exchange and income to a country from tourism. They also contribute to community livelihoods. Kenya’s game parks for example attract nearly two million tourists each year, making wildlife conservation a high priority. However protected areas face challenges from incompatible land use activities and encroachment. With increased urbanisation, conservation efforts have faced challenges from habitat loss due to land degradation and fragmentation. Urbanization also leads to increase in roads, railway lines and buildings that expose wildlife to stress from noise pollution and other forms of pollution. Urban development’s increase the risks of human-wildlife conflicts. The main aim of this study was to find out how infrastructural developments and settlements have affected drainage in the Nairobi National Park area. It also estimated the size of land lost to infrastructural development and determine how this has brought about human-wildlife conflicts and impacts on conservation. The study that was conducted in 2021 used descriptive research design. Collection of primary data was carried out by the use of questionnaires, interview schedules, observation and GIS mapping to determine the developmental changes that have taken place. Secondary data collection method was used in evaluating the trend of the number of animals’ species within the park. Data gathered by use of questionnaire which involved infrastructural development and settlement and human-wildlife conflicts at the fenced part was analysed using statistical methods. The study found that railways and roads within the park adversely affected the life in the park. These effects include displacement of animals, obstruction of animal movement by blocking their migration paths and deaths of animals and birds through collisions with moving cars or trains and reduction of land set for animals. The drainage patterns have also been altered affecting flow of water especially along SGR. The size of park had also reduced by approximately 10,000 Ha due to constructions of a railway, roads and setting up of hotels. The study recommends the policy makers to enforce laws to protect the governments agencies from encroaching into areas reserved for wildlife and forest. It was recommended introduction of basic environmental conservation education at all levels of learning to help Kenyans appreciate importance of environmental conservation.enInfrastructural DevelopmentSettlementNairobi National ParkThe Effects of Infrastructural Development and Settlement on the Quality and Integrity of Nairobi National ParkThesis