Chege, Moses M.2021-05-122021-05-122015 counseling interventions promote academic success of students. The current study sought to find out the effect of guidance and counseling services on academic performance of secondary School students in Nyandarua County, Kenya. The population for the study comprised of the students, teacher-counselors and principals from 24 public secondary schools ofNyandarua South Sub-county of Nyandarua County. The study will be guided by the theory of planned action. The sample size consisted of 362 students, 10 school-counselors and 10 principals. Stratified, systematic and Lottery methods were employed in choosing sample population. The instrumentsused were questionnaires designed into three categories for students, teacher-counselors, principals. To ensure validity of the instruments, the questionnaires were presented to the supervisors from the department of psychology, Kenyatta University. Split-half method was used to measure reliability. A pilot study was carried in Mawingo Mixed secondary school. Percentages were computed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0.Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and findings were presented by use of pie-charts, graphs, percentages and tables. The findings of current study showed that students perceived guidance and counseling services positively. This positive perception influenced their willingness to uptake counseling services hence their improved study habits and improved academic performance. Shortage of teacher-counselors, lack oftime, excess workload for teacher-counselors and lack funds and facilities were revealed by the results of the current study as some of the challenges that affect effective delivery of guidance and counseling services. Among the recommendations is that, teachers' service commission to post trained counselors to every school and the ministry of education to include funds for counseling department in the free secondary education fund disbursement. The current study may be of great help to school-counselors, principals and educational policy makers to improve the quality and quantity of guidance and counseling services.enEffects of Guidance and Counseling Services on Academic Performance of Secondary School Studentsin South Nyandarua Sub-CountyThesis