Oigo Elizabeth BosiboriIsika Juliet KaindiKereth, Gudila Ancelm2023-02-032023-02-032022http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/24636A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Fashion Design and Marketing) in the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences of Kenyatta University,November, 2022Behavioural determinants; namely cultural, social, personal, psychological and demographics influence consumers apparel purchase. However, there is scarce information about behavioural determinants and purchase of apparel among consumers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Hence, this study needs to explore the behavioural determinants influencing the purchase of imported and locally made apparel among consumers in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. The objectives of this study were: identifying the consumer demographic determinants that influence purchase of imported and locally made apparel; establishing the consumer purchase of imported and locally made apparel and examining the influence of behavioural determinants on the choice of apparel, choice of shopping outlets, quantity, apparel expenditure, frequency to purchase apparel and a model for behavioural determinants. The study adopted a cross-sectional analytical design. It involved a sampled population of 422 respondents (206 males and 216 females) aged above 18 years. Purposive sampling was used to select shopping outlets, while a systematic random sampling was used to select consumers for interview at the main outlets. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire and an interview schedule. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, logistic regression and multiple linear regression while qualitative data were analysed based on themes and subthemes of the related variables. The results showed that 88.1% of the respondents purchased imported apparel of which 53.3% purchased apparel from second-hand apparel markets. The findings revealed that males were 1.693 less likely to purchase locally made apparel than females (p=0.001). Respondents aged 18-25 (p=0.001), 26-35 (p=0.018) and 36-45 (p=0.004) were less likely to purchase locally made apparel compared to respondents aged above 56 years. Moreover, respondents with Secondary (p=0.004), Certificate and Diploma (p=0.029) education were less likely to purchase imported apparel compared to respondents with Bachelor degrees. The findings also revealed that 45% of behavioural determinants influenced respondents to purchase apparel. Cultural beliefs, social values, ethical and religious values, social status, social media, apparel loyalty, self-concept, perception and respondents’ lifestyle were significant led respondents to purchase apparel. Cultural determinants were significant and less likely influenced respondents to go to shopping malls, second-hand apparel markets, boutiques and apparel shops to purchase apparel. Social, personal and psychological determinants significantly influenced respondents to choose shopping malls, apparel shops and second-hand markets to purchase apparel. Behavioural determinants significantly influenced respondents on the quantity, apparel expenditure and the frequency of purchase of apparel (p<0.05). A model for behavioural determinants was developed based on demographics, cultural, social, personal and psychological variables to provide insight towards the purchase of apparel. The study recommends that retailers should study the apparel market and supply apparel based on consumers’ preferences. It is suggested that the government should set a policy intended to promote locally made apparel to public sectors, parastatal organisations and other NGOs to to wear on every Friday of the working day and on the national public events.enBehavioural Determinants InfluencingPurchase of ImportedLocally Made ApparelDar Es SalaamTanzaniaBehavioural Determinants Influencing the Purchase of Imported and Locally Made Apparel among Consumers in Dar Es Salaam, TanzaniaThesis