Adeola, OgechiEvans, OlaniyiNgare, Innocent2024-02-212024-02-212023-12Adeola, O., Evans, O., & Ngare, I. (2023). Explaining Gendered Vulnerability to Climate Change: The Contextual Conditions. In Gender Equality, Climate Action, and Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development in Africa (pp. 59-79). Cham: Springer International Publishing.2523-3092, addressing the danger of extreme weather events is a major global concern. Questions regarding gender norms and women’s involvement in combating climate change have surfaced in the light of the growing attention. Currently, there is not enough information on how gender differences manifest in climate change, especially in Africa. This chapter explores how men and women experience distinct vulnerabilities to climate change due to existing inequalities, including their social roles, access to resources, and power relations, which can limit their ability to adapt to climate change impacts. Understanding the linkages between gender and climate change is increasingly essential for developing effective climate change policies and taking urgent actions to tackle the impacts of climate change, and for promoting gender equality and social justice in the face of this global challenge. By recognising and addressing the gendered dimensions of climate change, Africa can work towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.enGenderVulnerabilityClimate changeAfricaDemographicsGender Equality, Climate Action, and Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development in AfricaArticle