Kimani, Elishiba2013-10-282013-10-282013-07-10Prime Journal of Social Science 2( 7 ), pp. 360 - 3682315 - 505 1 spite of the increased awareness on HIV/AIDS the prevalence rates is increasing in Kenya and in other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Statistics on prevalence rates show diversities in gender and across the countries and regions. Among the vulnerable groups are the youth and females for obvious reasons ranging from biological, social-economic and drugs abuse. The impact of the pandemic has caused a major concern at the family and communities levels and has affected government’s spending and the development process at all levels. The most vulnerable groups including youth need special targeting in HIV and AIDS programming. In this endeavor, particular emphasis needs to be provision of appropriate information and change of sexual behavior.enHIVAIDSCommunity and KenyaHIV/AIDS and the community with reference to KenyaArticle