Nyaberi, H. O.Mutuku, W. N.Malonza, D. M.2023-10-262023-10-262023-09Nyaberi, H. O., Mutuku, W. N., Malonza, D. M., & Gachigua, G. W. (2023). A Mathematical Model of the Dynamics of Coffee Berry Disease. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2023.https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/9320795http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/27072ArticleCoffee berry disease (CBD) is a fungal disease caused by Colletotrichum kahawae. CBD is a major constraint to coffee production to Kenya and Africa at large. In this research paper, we formulate a mathematical model of the dynamics of the coffee berry disease. The model consists of coffee plant population in a plantation and Colletotrichum kahawae pathogen population. We derived the basic reproduction number , and analyzed the dynamical behaviors of both disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium by the theory of ordinary differential equations. Using the MATLAB ode45 solver, we carried out numerical simulation, and the findings are consistent with the theoretical results.enA Mathematical Model of the Dynamics of Coffee Berry DiseaseArticle