Josphat KyaloMwabili, Pauline Mashaka2023-08-102023-08-102023 Research Project Submitted To the School of Management Science in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Business Administration Degree (Procurement and Supplies Management) of Kenyatta University February, 2023.The overall goal of this research is to investigate Integrated Financial Management Information Systems as well as procurement performance of Taita Taveta County Government. The research sought to evaluate the effect of electronic service delivery, information sharing, supplier involvement as well as e-budget allocation at Taita Taveta County Government. The research was underpinned by the following theories, the instrumental theory, resource-based theory, diffusion of innovations theory as well as system theory. The research adopted an evocative research design since it gives a perfect result as well as the physiognomies allied with it at an explicit point in time. The target population for the research was 97 respondents that gave the sample size of 78 respondents. The research adopted census method to select the respondents from the population. The study obtained primary data through a structured questionnaire. The researcher gave out the questionnaires and pick them later as a data gathering method. The study revealed that electronic service delivery has a significant influence on procurement performance (β=0.544; p<0.05). Similarly, it was established that information sharing significantly predict procurement performance (β=0.181; p<0.05). The study notably established that supplier involvement and e-budget allocation significantly predict procurement performance (β=0.176;and β=0.295) respectively. The study concludes that by boosting electronic service elements including service speed, efficacy, and financial reporting time, procurement performance would be improved. Moreover, by enhancing factors like information security, fraud detection, and reaction time, IMFIS sharing information enhances the delivery of products and results and significantly boosts the effectiveness of the procurement process. Besides, accountability and effectiveness are promoted at the county governments through the implementation of the IFMIS project, which involves suppliers in all aspects of business transactions. Ebudget has the potential to improve performance because it can track company transactions. This is as a result of the accuracy and speed that using the IFMIS is associated with. The study recommends that in order to have efficient money management in county governments, the IFMIS's supporting system must be safeguarded against fraud, illegal penetration, and breach of discretion. Secondly, training and capacity development efforts should be launched during the requirements assessment phase, focusing on all key stakeholders, similar to change management. Furthermore, the integrated financial management information system must be continuously improved to increase client efficacy. Finally, in order increase the likelihood of achieving company objectives, e-procurement is a project that needs strategic attention both now and in the future. Conclusively, the government's policy makers will find these findings helpful since they will be able to fix the system's weaknesses and improve its effectiveness and efficiency. In order to eliminate opposition and sabotage by the stakeholders, counties will use these results to assist the system by training the users and incorporating them in the development stage.enIntergrated Financial Management Information SystemsProcurement PerformanceTaita Taveta County GovernmentKenyaIntergrated Financial Management Information Systems and Procurement Performance of Taita Taveta County Government, KenyaThesis