Gathaara, M. P. H.Gitau, K. M.2014-07-302014-07-301991Kenya Coffee (Kenya) 56(656):1117-1120. 1991 effect of Ergostim (folic acid plus L-cysteine) A bioestimulante on growth, yield and quality Arabica coffee, was studied in a field trial in Kenya. Ergostim was sprayed at rates of 0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ml per hectare. The first application was made before flowering while the second was applied every 6 weeks later. The treatments significantly increased the growth of the expansion, the production of clean coffee beans AA class and improved the quality of the drink. It is concluded that the best treatment in terms of overall production of clean coffee was 500 milliliters per hectare.enPlant PhysiologygrowthGrowth RegulatorsQualitycoffeeProductivityQuality DrinkKenyaEffects of ergostim biostimulant on the growth, yield and quality of Arabica coffeeArticle