Isoe, JasperMugambi, DoyneWawire, Chrispus Koinange2023-06-052023-06-0520222320–7388 articleMost secondary schools in Kiambu County are grappling with low achievement motivation for learning chemistry as evidenced by below average performance in the subject among majority of the students. There is limited research evidence on the predictors of achievement motivation for learning chemistry in this area that may be used to address this issue. This research was carried to examine the relationship between executive functioning and achievement motivation for learning chemistry among secondary school students. The study was informed by information processing theory by Siegler and achievement motivation theory by McClelland. The researcher used convergent parallel mixed research design to examine the relationship between the study variables. The target population was 10528 form three students taking chemistry in 284 public secondary schools in Kiambu County in the year 2020. Purposive sampling was used to select Kiambu County and form three students taking chemistry. Stratified sampling was used to select the schools while simple random sampling was used to select students to participate in the study. The study was conducted in 17 secondary schools using a sample of 402 students. A pilot study was done in one school involving 40 students to establish the validity and reliability of the research instruments. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview schedules and then analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated that there was a moderate significant positive correlation between executive functioning and achievement motivation for learning chemistry, r (336) = .39, p < .05. Multiple regression coefficient was 0.45 which suggests a moderate prediction of achievement motivation for learning chemistry from shifting, initiation, inhibitory control and sustained attention executive functioning skills. R square was 0.21 which means that 21% variance in achievement motivation for learning chemistry can be explained by the predictor variables. Qualitative results also showed that executive functioning was associated with student’s achievement motivation for learning chemistry. The study recommends that school counsellors and chemistry teachers should guide and support chemistry students to enhance their executive functioning skills in order to boost the student’s achievement motivation for learning chemistry for better learning outcomes in chemistry.enExecutive FunctioningAchievement MotivationChemistryRelationship between Executive Functioning and Achievement Motivation for Learning Chemistry in Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, KenyaArticle