Murungi, Catherine Gakii2019-04-182019-04-182012International Researcher Volume No.1 Issue No. 12227-7471 ArticleAvailable literature shows that in Kenya enrolment of children in pre-school education is low. It is believed that failure to adequately meet children’s health needs might be leading to the children’s low enrolment in pre-school education and in other levels of education. It is for this reason that this study is designed; to establish and document children’s health needs in relation to low enrolment especially in Imenti North District where 52% of pre-school children do not attend pre-school and in particular 64% in Miriga Mieru West Division of the District. The main objective of this study is to establish the relationship between children’s health needs and enrolment in pre-school. The study has used a correlation design employing a survey method. The independent variable is health status. The dependent variable is children’s enrolment in pre-school. The sample size of 390 parents is selected and used in the study. Children’s households are systematically sampled whereas Imenti North District is sampled purposively. Miriga Mieru West Division is selected due to its high population of pre-school age children (78,201) in comparison to other divisions in the district such as; Miriga Mieru East with 64,117, Timau with 55,292 and Buuri with 45,610 as well as its low preschool enrolment rates (64%). The study has used a questionnaire for parents and anthropometric tools for data collection. The researcher administered the questionnaire to parents of pre-school children both with children not attending and children attending pre-school. The t-test (two tailed) for testing equality of means for independent samples is used to test the hypothesis (H02) A t-test (two tailed) for independent samples found no relationship between health status and enrolment in pre-school. This study concludes that basic needs are important and unless they are met we will continue to have large numbers of children not attending the pre-school education continuing to increase.enChildren Health Needs and It’s Influence on Pre-School Education EnrolmentsArticle