Mary GitahiMokaya, Joy Nyanchoka2024-06-052024-06-052023-07 Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfullment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Public Health (Monitoring and Evaluation) in the School of Health Sciences of Kenyatta University July, 2023Each and every girl needs to have access to resources for learning, health, and future menstrual forecasts, as well as guidance on how to manage menstrual hygiene effectively. In line with this, the crucial stages of intellectual and social-emotional development in a person's transition from dependence to interdependence in society oceur during puberty. Some teenagers experience worry and panic during transition due to inadequate menstruation information and ineffective resources to manage the physical changes. The overall objective of the study was to assess the menstrual hygiene management among the school going adolescent girls in Kibera. The study was conducted at Kibera which is located in Nairobi City County among 442 school going adolescent girls who were residing within the area when the study was carried out. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. This study used cluster sampling in selection of schools and purposive sampling was used to recruit respondents for the study. The study instrument used was a self-designed structured questionnaire, interview study guide and an observation checklist. The data findings were analyzed using SPSS version 23 and the results were presented in form of graphs, pie charts and tables. 80% of the school going adolescent girls in Kibera have the general knowledge on menstruation being a normal process for every girl’s transitioning into womanhood. 98.8% of the adolescent girls use some form of menstrual absorbent material with 86% using a sanitary pad during menstruation. Majority of the schools the toilets for boys and girls were separated. However, 18 out of 22 of the schools had no provision of water for menstrual hygiene. The findings of the study in Kibera recommends the Nairobi county public health office needs to train teachers on reproductive health and the school administrators should incorporate the MHM study guide for teachers in coordination with MOE.enMenstrual Hygiene ManagementSchool Going Adolescent GirlsKiberaNairobi City CountyKenyaMenstrual Hygiene Management among School Going Adolescent Girls in Kibera, Nairobi City County, KenyaThesis