Akello, MirriamMugwe, JayneNasar, JamalKisaka, OscarRanjan, ShivaniGitari, Harun2023-06-082023-06-082023Akello, Mirriam & Mugwe, Jayne & Nasar, Jamal & Kisaka, Oscar & Ranjan, Shivani & Gitari, Harun. (2023). Role of Phosphorus and Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium in Enhancing Soybean Production. Advances in Agriculture. 2023. 10.1155/2023/3231623.https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/3231623http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/25700ArticleSoybean(GlycinemaxL.Merril)isamongthekeyoilseedcropsworldwide,providingseveralbenefitsfromhumanconsumption to the enhancement of soil productivity. In Uganda, legumes are cultivated on roughly 1.5 million ha, with soybean being produced on a lower production area of 150,000ha compared to beans (925,000ha) and groundnuts (253,000ha). In terms of achievableyield,soybeanemergesthehighestat1.2t·ha−1 ascomparedtobeans(0.5t·ha−1)andgroundnuts(0.7t·ha−1).Despite the smallest production coverage area, the crop’s feasible grain yield is projected at 4.6t·ha−1 under optimal environmental conditions. The major bottleneck to the crop’s production is the decreasing soil fertility, mainly caused by low nitrogen (N) but alsophosphorus(P)levelsinthesoil.ThereisahighpotentialforsupplyingNfromtheatmospherethroughbiologicalNfixation (BNF), a natural process mediated by the symbiotic bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum, which requires optimum P levels for effectiveNfixationandincreasedyield.ThecurrentworkreviewsthepresentstatusofsoybeanproductioninUganda,highlights its ecological requirements, importance, and constraints, and proposes the use of inoculation and P application to boost its productionenPhosphorusInoculationBradyrhizobiumSoybeanRole of Phosphorus and Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium in Enhancing Soybean ProductionArticle