Wanderi, P. M.2015-02-092015-02-09200797899944555609994455567http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/12163OSSREA, 2011. Paperback. New Book. Paperback. Wanderi (Kenyatta U.) seeks to record and hopes to revive traditional games in the coastal region of Kenya through interviews and documentary evidence. He includes details of the execution of each game, respective participants in terms of gender and age, and the significance of each activity to the individual and the community. Among the games are children's circle and chanting games, running and climbing, organized sports, wrestling, archery, and board games. There is no index. Distributed in North America by The African Books Collective. (2011 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR)enThe indigenous games of the people of the coastal region of KenyaBook