Maina, Michael KimaniNzuki, D. M.2015-07-062015-07-062015International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 6, No. 2; February 20152219-19332219-6021 ArticleResearchers in educational technology have researched for factors to explain problems that hinder acceptance of e-learning management systems in institutions of higher learning. Based on unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), the study examined the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating condition on acceptance of E-learning Management System (EMS) in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. Descriptive research design and in particular cross-sectional design were employed in order to empirically investigate the extent to which problems influence adoption of E-learning Management System (EMS). A self-administered questionnaire, face-to-face interviews and observation were administered to a sample size of 600 that consisted of lecturers, students, administrators, and technical staff from at least five Universities within Nairobi Metropolitan. Analysis was done using descriptive as well as inferential statistics in order to draw inferences between the variables. The study found that use of EMS was a new technology as most of the respondents had an experience of less than 3 years. Also the study found that expected performance, enabling infrastructures, institutional policies, training support and leadership and ease of effort use influenced the adoption of EMS in institutions of higher learningenacceptancebehavioral intentionSystemeffort expectancyE-learningAdoption Determinants of E-learning Management System in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya: A Case of Selected Universities in Nairobi MetropolitanArticle