Makoria, Nathan NyarundaWaithaka, Paul2023-04-132023-04-132019Waithaka, D. P., & Makori, N. N. (2019). EFFECT OF STRATEGIC DIRECTION ON STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION AT THE SELECTED MULTINATIONAL AGROCHEMICAL COMPANIES IN KENYA. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 4(5), 16–31. Retrieved from Agriculture in Kenya attracts several stakeholders including agrochemical companies. Since the return on investment is considerably high, the sector has experienced several new entrants selling and marketing agrochemical products in Kenya since 2010. As a result, large agrochemical companies have developed and adopted several strategies evident from 2014. For survival, these strategies have to be implemented successfully; this normally is contingent to many factors. For a successful implementation of selected strategies in agrochemical companies operating in Kenya, factors impeding and/or favouring the implementation need to be identified. Among the factors shown to enhance successful strategy implementation, is roles played by strategic leaders. This study seeks to determinethe effect of strategic direction on strategy implementation at the selected multinational agrochemical companies in Kenya.The theories underpinning this study were top echelon theory, transformational leadership theory and implementation theory. Methodology:This study adopted explorative research design.Target population wasthe strategic leaders at the seven multinational agrochemical companies in Kenya adding upto 70 in number.Census was used as the population is small thereby minimising error. Semi structured questionnaire was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data was analysed manually using content analysis method while quantitative data will be analysed using SPSS version 20 software. The influence of the strategic leadership role onstrategy implementation was analysed using multiple regression analysis.Data was presented using tables, pie charts and graphs to make them reader friendly. Results:R square value of 0.799 means that 79.9% of thecorresponding variation in strategy implementation at the selected multinational agrochemical companies can be explained or predicted by (Strategic Direction) which indicated that the model fitted the study data. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: Based on the study findings, the study concludes that strategy implementation at the selected multinational agrochemical companies in Kenya can be improved by Strategic Direction.Otherstudies can seek to assess the influence of leadership styles on organizational performance of agrochemical companies.enstrategic directionstrategy implementationEffect of Strategic Direction on Strategy Implementation at the Selected Multinational Agrochemical Companies in KenyaArticle