Joan Kabaria-MuriithiPriscilla KabueAroka, Margaret Dorothy Adhiambo2022-09-072022-09-072022 Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Public Health in Reproductive Health in the School of Public Health and Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University, June, 2022Healthy sexual reproductive behaviour is a key driver for healthy sexual lifestyle not only for youths but for all human populations. Absence of healthy sexual reproductive behaviour contributes to high cases of mortality and morbidity due to unintended pregnancy leading to unsafe abortion, which result in chronic ill health and psychological stress. Risky Sexual Behaviour (RSB) related to different forms of sexual orientations as heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality among undergraduate students exposes them to serious consequences. They may have severe HIV and AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). The research objectives were; to establish the prevalence of risky sexual behaviour, to assess the health seeking behaviour arising from exposure to risky sexual behaviour, to identify the external environmental factors that influence sexual behaviours and to explore the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and risky sexual behaviour among undergraduate students attending MMUST in Kakamega County. A quantitative cross sectional survey was done between October and December 2018 using self-administered structured questionnaires. The population of study was undergraduate learners from Masinde Muliro university of Science and Technology. Sample of 386 participants was chosen from the population through stratified random sampling technique. Validity of the data collection tools was ascertained using expert opinion while test-retest technique applying Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of reliability was computed. Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28 for windows. Descriptive statistics involved the use of mean, mode, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage. Pearson's correlation and ANOVA were utilized to show the relationship between the independent variable (sociodemographic characteristics) and the dependent variable (Risky Sexual Behaviour (RSB)). According to results of the study, 40.9% of students had penile-vaginal or unprotected penile-vaginal sex during the three months prior to the research. The results also showed a significant association between sociodemographic features and risky sexual behavior among MMUST learners. Considering the research results, it was concluded that risky sexual behavior is widespread among MMUST undergraduate risky. This study also had a conclusion that sociodemographic characteristics played a significant role on the risky sexual behavior of MMUST undergraduates. After the study, the government was recommended to work with universities to develop policies to strengthen current information education and communication. This raises young people's awareness of the consequences of dangerous sexual behavior and encourages behavioral changes in university students.enRisky Sexual BehaviourMasinde Muliro University of Science and TechnologyUndergraduate StudentsKakamega CountyKenyaRisky Sexual Behaviour among Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Undergraduate Students in Kakamega County, KenyaThesis