Ngare, InnocentKaranja, JosephKoech, Michael2017-07-202017-07-202016IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) Vol. 10, Issue 11 Ver. I (Nov. 2016), PP 37-392319-24022319-2399 ArticleKenya like other global countries, is a signatory to international environmental agreements. The relevance and their significance dating of global agenda 21 at Rio. Today different protocols serve the Kenyan environmental conservation and management entities as a platform to conserve its environment. This paper is a review of key international environmental protocols and convention in Kenya. Four multilateral environmental agreements were reviewed. The Kyoto protocol, Montreal protocol, Biodiversity convention and UNFCCC. Their impact has been discussed within the Kenyan context and rationale and their significance with the Kenyan environmental management vision.enKenyaEnvironmentConservationManagementUnderstanding Kenya’s Multilateral Environmental Agreements, the Future of Environmental GovernanceArticle