Rotich, Kelvin Cheruiyot2024-08-062024-08-062024-03 research project submitted to the school of business, economics and tourism in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree in master of business administration (project management) of Kenyatta University, March 2024 Supervisor Perris ChegeThe Managed Equipment Services (MES) health project adopted in 2015 by the Kenyan government has not conclusively solved the challenge of health equipment financing and availing specialized medical care to all citizens in the forty-seven counties. It has faced a myriad of challenges with stakeholders raising many concerns such as non-delivery or late delivery of equipment, cost overruns and idle equipment. Approximately 50 percent of public projects in Kenya perform dismally due to several reasons including inadequate stakeholder participation. The study’s main objective aimed to establish how stakeholder involvement affects performance of MES projects in selected Level V Public Hospitals in Kenya. The specific objectives were: to establish the stakeholder involvement impact in planning, financing, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) stages on performance of the MES project. Stakeholder, agency and Resource-based view theories were used to underprop this study. Descriptive survey design was applied. The study was conducted in five selected level V hospital MES projects. A census of all the selected five projects was done with a target population of 90 respondents, encompassing 15 county executive members, 20 hospital administrators and 55 departmental staff heads. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires that were given to participants. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used with assistance of the SPSS software tool. Descriptive techniques that include standard deviation and mean were used. Pearson Correlation and multiple linear regression were used for inferential techniques. Auto-correlation, multicollinearity, normality and homoscedasticity were tested before using linear regression models. Findings were presented using percentages, tables, graphs and charts. Responses from a total of 78 adequately filled questionnaires were analyzed. The study found that stakeholder participation in planning of the MES project, financing, implementation and M & E processes positively and significantly affected project performance by factors of 0.627, 0557, 0.638 and 0.716 respectively. The study also discovered that there was equivocal stakeholder participation in planning, financing and M & E while there was good involvement in project implementation. The study concluded that stakeholder involvement is important in project performance and it should be properly done in project planning, financing, implementation and M & E. The study suggested that stakeholder analysis and participation ought to be done in complex projects undertaken by many stakeholders. Study recommended that all stakeholders including end users should be involved in project processes, particularly implementation and M & E. Studies need to be done on other factors that affected performance of the MES project and stakeholder involvement impact on project performance in other projects in devolved units as well as other sectorsenStakeholder involvement and performance of managed equipment services health project in selected level five public hospitals in KenyaThesis