Mawia, Musyoki A.Wambua, Kioko F.Agyirifo, DanielNyamai, Wavinya D.Matheri, FelixLangat, Chemtai R.Njagi, Mwenda S.Arika, Arika W.Gaichu, Muthee D.Ngari, Ngithi L.Ngugi, Piero M.Karau, Muriira G.2015-11-102015-11-102015J Rice Res Volume 3 Issue 4; 20152375-4338 characterization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) provides useful information regarding preservation of diversity and selection of parental genotypes with superior traits in plant breeding program. The main objective of the present study was to characterize 13 selected rice genotypes from Kenya and Tanzania based on 7 grain and kernel traits. Minitab 15.0 software was used to analyze data. The 7 traits showed highly significant differences among the improved and local landraces. A dendrogram was constructed from data set of mean values of grain and kernel traits and showed two super clusters; I and II. Principal component analysis revealed that all the seven quantitative traits significantly influenced the variation in these genotypes.enOryza sativa LDendrogramPrincipal component analysisPhenotypic Diversity Studies on Selected Kenyan and Tanzanian Rice (Oryza sativa L) Genotypes Based on Grain and Kernel TraitsArticle