Juma, JaneMdodo, R.M.Gichoya, David2023-05-252023-05-252023Juma J, Mdodo RM, Gichoya D. Multiplier Design using Machine Learning Alogorithms for Energy Efficiency. Journal of Complementary Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2023 (pp. 28-34)DOI:https://doi.org/10.31838/jvcs/05.01.04http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/25426ArticleDesigners primary goal is to develop the Adder cell with improved performance viz. speed, fixed rise and fall time, as it the fundamental block in VLSI design process. The dynamic logic circuits are far better than the static logic circuits because it consumes less power and speed performance also increased. But, cascading of several blocks in dynamic logic is found to be a wrong analysis. This drawback of increased complexity with mismatched cascading is overcome by using domino logic circuits. By using domino logic circuits, the reduction of noise margins and increase the speed performance of the circuit is achieved. In this paper, domino logic based Manchester carry chain adder (MCC) is designed using FinFET 18nm technology in Cadence virtuoso. It is noticed that 4-bit and an 8-bit Manchester Carry Chain Adder (MCC) using domino logic design consumes less power and reduction in the delay of the proposed circuit compared with the previous architecture. Implementation results reveal that the 4-Bit MCC Adder has delay of 79.45% less compared to the existed standard design and power consumption also reduced to 94.15%.enCadence virtuosoFinFETDynamic LogicDomino logicManchester Carry ChainMultiplier Design using Machine Learning Alogorithms for Energy EfficiencyArticle