Njoroge, Jane Gakenia2022-08-192022-08-1920202321 - 9203DOI No.: 10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i5/HS2005-042http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/23991article in THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIESDifferent empirical studies show that one player has dominated the telecommunication industry for a number of years without any change. Different strategies and effort of other players such as lowering tariffs, coming up with cheaper money transfer, other attractive offers like free calls and messages, they have not managed to get a competitive edge leading to one company continuing to dominate the market. For this reason, homogeneity in performance for the companies operating in similar competitive conditions and industrial environment has not been explained. This study examined the moderating role of environment on organizational resources and performance of telecommunication industries in Kenya.To achieve the objectives, the study used a combination of explanatory design and descriptive survey research design, specifically cross sectional design. The target population consisted of 381 respondents and the sample size was 170 respondents from the telecommunication industries in Kenya. The research adopted stratified random sampling technique. The study used mainly primary data which was collected using self-administered questionnaires. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize data while inferential statistics, specifically multiple linear regressions was used to test hypotheses. The analysis used strata statistical package version 11.0 to aid data analysis. The results were presented using tables Environmental factor had no moderating effect on the influence of organizational resources on performance it was just an explanatory variable. Finally, the study recommended that further research be done by replicating the same study in other companies or industries like banksenCompetitive advantageorganizational resourcesperformance and telecommunication industryModerating Role of Environment on Organizational Resources and Performance in Telecommunication Industry in KenyaArticle