Ndonye, Maria Lynnette2025-02-102025-02-102024-11https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/29548A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Masters of Education (Educational Psychology) in the School of Education, Kenyatta University, November 2024. Supervisor Josephine N. MutuaAcademic achievement in Kenya plays an integral role in the life of a student. It is measure of what the student has learnt in a school environment and consequently it is used as a criterion for promotion and placement to higher levels of learning. Despite this, Mombasa County has continued to register low academic achievement. This is a worrying trend because these students miss out on the opportunities for both personal and national development. Although studies have investigated the low academic achievement in Mombasa County, little attention has been given to psychological capital and learners’ autonomy as predictors of academic achievement. This study aimed to examine the predictive role of psychological capital and learners’ autonomy on academic achievement. Specifically, the study aimed to find out the relationship between psychological capital and academic achievement. It also aimed to establish the relationship between learners’ autonomy and academic achievement. It further aimed to find out the gender differences in psychological capital and learners’ autonomy among the students. Finally, it aimed to establish the predictive value of psychological capital and learners’ autonomy on the academic achievement of form three students. It was supported by psychological capital model proposed by Luthan and Zimmerman’s model for self-regulated learning. The study adopted a correlational research design and it targeted all the 2488 form three students in the 15 public secondary schools in Mvita Subcounty in Mombasa County, Kenya for the year 2023. The sample consisting of 413 learners sampled from 9 schools, was selected using purposive, stratified and simple random sampling. School Psychological Capital Questionnaire was used to measure the psychological capital variable while Autonomous Learning Scale was used to assess the learners’ autonomy variable. Data on students’ academic achievement was obtained from the school academic records. Data was analyzed using descriptive as well as inferential statistical procedures with aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. Regression analyses revealed that psychological capital significantly and moderately predicted academic achievement, F( 4,372) = 44.45, p< .05. On the overall, a strong and significant link among psychological capital, learners’ autonomy was established. R square value was 0.74 which implied that 74% variance in achievement could be attributed psychological capital and learners’ autonomy. Efficacy, forethought and self reflection subscales had the highest predictive weights on academic achievement. The study recommended that parents and teachers should support the learners to develop and nurture psychological capital and autonomous learning strategies that are necessary resources for academic excellence.enPsychological Capital and Learners’ Autonomy as Predictors of Academic Achievement among Form Three Students in Mombasa County, KenyaThesis