Muchemi, A. W.Munira, Joyce Wairimu.2014-07-162014-07-162014-07-16 of Business Administration, 76p. 2012This study was be carried out to investigate the challenges facing implementation of performance management in Water Service Providers in the Tana water services board area. The specific objectives of the study was: to investiga e how employees' skills influence implementation of performance management; to investigate how corporate objectives affect performance management process; to investigate how organizational structure influence implementation of performance management process; to find out if rewards influence the achievement of performance targets to investigate whether organizational culture influences the achievement of performance targets; and to determine how resource allocation affect implementation of performance management process;. The importance of carrying out this study was to enable the Water Service Providers to improve on the performance management process based on the research findings, enable the Ministry of Water and Irrigation to understand the performance management gaps experienced by the. implernenters' of the process so that the necessary mitigating measures can be undertaken. The study was based on theories related to the area of study such as Systems Theory, Elton's Behavioral Theory, Skinner's Theory of Replacement, and the Goal Theory. The independent variables of the study were employees' skills, corporate objectives, structure, culture, rewards and resources. The dependent variable is the implementation of performance management. The research design employed was both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The scope of the study included the following Water Service providers: Nyeri Water, Embu Water, Kirinyaga Water and Mathira water. The target Jfopulation was 502 employees of the four water companies. The sample size was 50 permanent employees out of which 45 responses were received and analyzed. Data was collected using questionnaires and anal~ed by use of content analysis for qualitative data and descriptive analysis for quantitative data usingsSratistical Package for Social Science tool. From this data results of the study are presented in the form of tables, pie charts and bar graphs. From this study it was established that employees skills, corporate objectives, organizational structure, rewards and culture of an organization have influence in the implementation of performance management in the water sector. Performance management practices were embraced in the organizations studied where it was evident that performance contract existed between the employees and the employer. Corporate objectives impacted positively on the performance management process. Similarly established is the fact that the structure 'of organization is not a barrier/obstacle to the process of performance management. The study found that rewards for the effort of employees were adequately rewarded, and compared favorably with those in similar organizations. Most of the respondents were familiar with the core values of their organizations, and that negative culture is a barrier to implementation of performance manag,ement. The study recommends that training and development programs should be ••management supported, corporate objectives be revisecf and to be in line with changing circumstances, development and operationalization of staff reward scheme be encouraged a new culture of achieving target and team work be adopted.enChallenges facing implementation of performance management in state corporations. (a survey of water service providers in Tana Water Services Board.)Thesis