Rotich, Jeruto LydiaKiiru, David2021-09-202021-09-202021Rotich, J. L, Kiiru, D. (2021) Effect of succession planning on employee performance in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation And Youth Affairs in Nairobi City County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 3(10), 112-1282518-2374 research article published in International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business AdministrationInternationally, both the corporate, international organizations say the UN and non-governmental organizations encounter hardships on performance of employees. Amongst the largest problems that the organization still encounters is ways of harnessing talent which improves performance of an employee. Therefore, this research looked at establishing the relation between succession planning and performance of an employee in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research was supported by talent-based theory. In this research, a descriptive study design was used to carry out the study. The population target of this research was 332 management personnel drawn from every in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs. A 175 sized sample was reached using the stratified random technique of sampling. This research applied questionnaires for collecting primary data. To measure content validity, professionals, lecturers and supervisors were requested to provide their insights on the questionnaire’s adequacy. Cronbach alpha (α) was used in assessing the variables reliability. Data that was collected1from the field filtered, sorted1and cleaned in1line with research1objectives. The data1 then underwent1coding, entering into1and analyzing by use of Statistical1Package for Social1Sciences Version 25.0. Analysis1of quantitative data was done by use of descriptive statistics for instance the standard deviation and the mean. This entailed computation of standard deviation, frequencies, percentages and means. Regression analysis aided in analyzing inferential data. Presentation of the outcomes was done by use of tables. Analysis of1the qualitative1data gathered by the questionnaire’s open-ended1sections was done by use of themes. The study revealed that succession planning had a strong, positive and significant effect on the employee performance in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs. The study recommends that the ministry should1organize career counseling1sessions for all employees. The ministries should have formal succession planning framework to retain and acquire new talents and skills that would help the organization performance. This will get rid of the current laxity in providing framework for replacement of key employees in future.enEmployee performanceSuccession planningCareer counsellingSuccession planning frameworkEffect of Succession Planning on Employee performance in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs in Nairobi City County, KenyaArticle