Omosa, Isaiah BosireOonge, Zablon IsabokeKirui, Wesley Kipkemoi2023-05-222023-05-222020Omosa, I. B., Oonge, Z. I., & Kirui, W. K. (2020). PROPOSED CATCHMENT CONSERVATION PLAN IN COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY IN KENYA: THE CASE OF MBUMBUNI WATER SCHEME.doi: community water scheme is served by surface runoff and ephemeral streams which is harnessed in an earth dam. The dam has been in existence for decades, and was facing a big problem of reservoir sedimentation from the heavily loaded runoff water. De-silting the reservoir or increasing the dam height would not be long-term solutions without a proper system in place to protect the dam by reducing future siltation through conservation works in the catchment area. An urgent need for protection of the catchment area of the dam arose, not only for conserving or improving the water source and the storage capacity, but also to enhance agriculture and the livelihood of the inhabitants. The conservation plan was develop using project approach method. This article describes a proposed conservation plan for the study area. Implementation of the conservation plan will improve water supply and increase the Dam lifespan through reduction in siltation.enMbumbuniCommunityRunoffEphemeralDesiltingDamCatchmentDegradationProposed Catchment Conservation Plan in Community Water Supply in Kenya: The Case of Mbumbuni Water SchemeArticle