Xavier Francis IchaniKang’ung’u, Kitondo Francisca2023-08-142023-08-142023http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/26832A Research Project Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy of Kenyatta University, June 2023.The UN Security Council resolution 1325 expanded peace support operations by incorporating inclusion of women in its operations. However, the proportion of women in peace support operation is still low. The main aim of this study was to examine women participation in peace support missions in Kenya using the case of Kenya’s peace keeping mission contingents in Somalia for period of 2011 and 2020. Specific objectives were as follows; to evaluate the UN rationale for women participation in peace keeping operation, to assess the extent of gender mainstreaming of women participation in peace keeping operations, to establish the proportion of women in peace keeping operations and to examine challenges to sustainable increase of women in peacekeeping operations in Kenya’s contingents in Somalia between the period of 2011 and 2020. This study adopted liberal feminism theory in its analysis. The study adopted an exploratory research design. Target population consisted the Ministry of Defense, National Police Service and the National Counter Terrorism Centre. A sample size of 105 was used for the study. Stratified proportionate random and purposive sampling helped in identifying study participants. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting key study informants for they were conversant with the official position of national peace keeping data and were authorized to offer relevant data for this study by their relevant organizations. This study used both qualitative and quantitative data. Questionnaires and interviews guides were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data from respondents and key informants respectively. Analysis of quantitative data was done through descriptive and inferential statistics. The interview guide generated qualitative data that was presented thematically in narratives and verbatim. Thematic and content analysis was also used. In data collection, the study achieved 82% response rate. In regards to findings, this study, in the first objective, found that through the UN rationale for women inclusion in peace support operation, there has been increased involvement of the women in peace support operations in Somalia. On the second objective, the study found that there were gender units and coordinators that were put in place to handle issues pertaining women seconded to peace support operations in Kenya. On the third objective, it was noted that there were women from Kenya who were working as UN mission experts. However, there were very few women who were working as military commanders and strategists. The study established that women experienced challenges in ensuring increased number of those participating in missions. Corruption among other factors was identified as a challenge marring the nomination and selection process of women to peace support operations. The study also found that women participation added value to the African Mission in Somalia contingents by reinforcing skill sets, increasing acceptance by the host country and reducing gender-based violence. This study recommends for more integration of women peace support operations. The study also recommends creation of awareness of established gender units and gender coordinators to enable more women become informed on issues and opportunities within peace support operations. It also recommends that qualified personnel be given opportunity in placement and need to enhance mechanisms geared to reduce corruption and nepotism while seconding personnel to peace support operations. Finally, this study recommends future research be done on factors influencing women participation in peace support operations not covered in this study.enWomen Participation in Peace Support OperationsKenya’s ContigentsAfrican Union MissionSomaliaKenya’s Contigents in African Union Mission in Somalia, 2011-2020Women Participation in Peace Support Operations: A Case of Kenya’s Contigents in African Union Mission in Somalia, 2011-2020Thesis