Gitau, Florence W.2019-09-272019-09-272017-03 Submitted to the Department of Recreation Management and Exercise Science in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Recreation and Sport Management) in the School of Applied Human Sciences of Kenyatta University, March 2017The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of stakeholders on the contribution of two purposively selected Community-Based Sport Organizations towards the realization of three Millennium Development Goals in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the perceptions of stakeholders on the contribution of these selected Community-Based Sport Organizations in Kenya towards eradication of poverty, promoting education and development of global partnerships in development. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. Purposive sampling was adapted to select the two CBSOs then stratified sampling to select the athletes/participants and convenience sampling to select the community members. Research instruments included a self-administered questionnaire and document analysis. Questionnaires were administered to 143 participants of Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA), 69 of Moving The Goalposts (MTG), 58 officials of MYSA, 22 of MTG. Data were coded and organized for analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version17.0. Data were organized and described using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Independent t-test was conducted to find out whether the means for male and female respondents were significantly different in their ratings to the contribution of CBSOs towards poverty reduction, promotion of education and Development of partnerships. There was no significant differences between the ratings of the respondents of the contribution of CBSOs towards poverty reduction based on gender (t = 0.802, df = 259, p = 0.423). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was computed on age categories, level of education, duration and frequency of involvement and poverty reduction, promotion of education and development of partnerships to establish if the means were statistically different. There were no significant differences between the ratings of the respondents on the contribution of CBSOs towards poverty reduction based on age (F 8,252 = .967, p= .463), level of education (F 1,164 = .1.242, p= .267), duration of involvement (F7,632,=.378, p=.730) and frequency of involvement in the activities of CBSOs (F 5,254 = .860,P=.509). There were no significant differences between the ratings on the contribution of CBSO towards promotion of education based on gender (t= .122, df= 262, p= .307), level of education, (F= 5,254, = .860, P=.509), age (F= 1.788, (8,255 P= 0.80), duration of involvement (F 3,262 = 1.678, P= .172,) and frequency of involvement (F5, 254 = .860, P=.509). There were no significant differences on the ratings of the contribution of CBSOs towards the promotion of partnerships for development based on gender (t=-1.58, df=260, p=1.33), age ((F 1.527, = 8,243, P= .148.), level of education (F 1,165 =0.45, P=0.832), duration of involvement (F 1.860, =3,260, P= 0.137) and frequency of involvement (F34, 226 = 0.93 p >0.58). Perceptions of stakeholders were that Community-based sport organizations contributed to poverty reduction, promotion of education and development of partnerships for development. Study recommends that CBSOs should give more skills that can help the youth become employable. Education should be improved through increased enrolment, reduction of dropouts and increased transition to higher levels. More local and international partnerships should be encouraged.enPerceptions of Stakeholders on the Contribution of Selected Community-Based Sport Organizations to Three Millennium Development Goals in KenyaThesis