Ngatia, Justus Waweru2023-03-272023-03-272022Waweru, N. J. (2022). A Rare Finding of Foreign Bodies (Iron Nails) in the Vagina: Case Report and Review of Literature. resonance, 3(6), 11.2663-7332 objects in the genital tract are commonly encountered by clinicians in all age groups. Detailed history and clinical examination are central to diagnosis although imaging modalities may be required for misplaced objects. Proper management can prevent morbidity and mortality resulting from complications [1]. Our patient presented with a history of severe genital pain and mild per vaginal bleeding. A Cuscos bivalve speculum was inserted and four 3-inches-long iron nails were removed from the vagina. The patient had complete recovery.enForeign body (Iron Nails)Genital PainPer Vaginal Bleeding.A Rare Finding of Foreign Bodies (Iron Nails) in the Vagina: Case Report and Review of LiteratureArticle