Nyaboga, Judith Maganya2025-02-042025-02-042024-07https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/29508A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) of Kenyatta University, July 2024. Supervisor Stephen MuathePerformance of the health sector ensures that patients receive the best possible care and that healthcare systems function efficiently. But there are a number of obstacles that Kajiado County must overcome to function effectively. Public hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya, were the focus of this study, which aimed to determine how operational methods affected their organizational performance. This study aimed to analyze the impact of four strategies on the organizational performance of public hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya: information management, constant quality enhancement, innovation, and supervision of resources. The theories of technology acceptance, quality improvement, resource-based theory, and the balanced scorecard model provided the theoretical foundation for the research. The research strategy used was a descriptive one. The target population was 234 full time health workers among public health facilities in Kajiado CountyA total of 151 health care professionals were surveyed for the study, with a stratified random sampling technique used to choose a representative sample from each of the participating hospitals. Slovin's formula was used to arrive at this number. Important primary data was composed using a questionnaire. Using the SPSS, the researcher performed descriptive and inferential statistical analyses on data obtained by the drop-and-pick method. Statistical tools used for descriptive purposes included frequency distributions, proportions, means, and variance. The application of correlation analysis was a component of inferential statistics. Tables presented the data. The answers revealed that public hospital in Kajiado County have implemented quality of care measures which leads better organization performance. In addition, the findings revealed that innovative technologies help the healthcare providers to proactively manage patients' conditions. Furthermore, the study found out that efficient utilization of resources helps the hospital maintain financial stability. Public hospitals in Kajiado County, Kenya, had a favorable and statistically significant relationship with their performance when it came to information management, innovation, and continuous quality improvement. The study's results suggested that public hospitals in Kajiado County should work with hospital administration to promote the use of cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the county government and hospital management to assess the current state of public hospitals' workforces, determine where there is a need for improvement in terms of skills, offer chances for professional development, and foster an encouraging workplace culture. Lastly, the report recommended more research on the effects of patient-centered care techniques on business outcomes.enOperational Strategies and Organization Performance of Public Hospitals in Kajiado County, KenyaThesis