Thinwa, Elizabeth Njambi2016-04-112016-04-111987-09 research project submitted to the faculty of education in partial fulfilment of the requirement for master of education of Kenyatta University.Although many teachers have claimed that they have been improvising when teaching Home Management, the extent to which they improvise, and the factors that led them to do so, have not been investigated. This study is a survey of the various improvisations which teachers of Home Management have been using when teaching some aspects of the subject. The study is based on data collected using a questionnaire which was administered to teachers from 10 secondary schools in Kiambu District. The results showed that the majority of teachers had the ideas of the type of improvisations but did• not implement them in the classroom. This has not helped to solve the problem of the shortage of teaching facilities for this subject in our schools. Secondly, the study has raised a lot of suggestions on the various improvisations that teachers would use, and also how the subject could be made relevant to the local needs of the learners. Finally, it has surfaced the major problems that teachers of Home Management are facing when teaching the subject. It is hoped that the results of this study will not only become a reference for teachers and inspectors of Home Science, but also will stimulate researchers in the direction proposed by the recommendations of the study.enImprovisation in the teaching of home management: A case study of selected secondary schools in Kiambu District.Thesis