Kyalo, Abigail Ndile2012-11-222012-11-222012-11-22 Department of Business Administration: The HD 60.5 .K4K9Corporate Social Responsibility is a business contribution to sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. It is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of the society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of their operations. This study sets to find out the factors influencing commercial banking institutions in Kenya to practice CSR. The study focused on the leading banks in Nairobi which will include The Standard bank, Barc1ays bank, Kenya Commercial bank, cooperative bank of Kenya, Equity bank and Family bank. The researcher then targeted the management staff in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility in the said banks. The research adopted a descriptive design where data was collected and analyzed. A questionnaire was administered to the sampled population of six members of each bank to give a total of thirty six respondents. The questions were then coded and a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) program used. The data has been generated in form of frequency tables and descriptive form. The results have been organized in tables, graphs and pie charts in order to highlight the problem in question.enSociaL responsibility of businessKenyaNairobiAn investigation of the factors influencing corporate social responsibility in financial banking institutions in Kenya: a case of leading banks in NairobiThesis