George A. OnyangoNorbert OgetaKamau, Kara Lwanga2023-02-132023-02-132022 Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management in the School of Education, Kenyatta UniversityA modern curriculum, excellent infrastructure, adequate human and material resources and a healthy school organization climate are not helpful, if teachers do not have the right work attitude. Teachers’ professional performance is determined by factors like remuneration, work conditions, government policies among others. However, work attitude has been shown to have profound effect on teachers’ work performance leading to improved learners’ performance or dissatisfactory outcomes. The study was guided by these objectives: To determine extent of public secondary school teachers’ attitude towards work; To determine effect of age, gender, teaching experience, school location, area of specialization and school category on teachers’ attitude towards work; To establish effect of teachers’ attitude towards work on teachers’ preparation of professional documents and records; To determine effect of teachers’ attitude towards work on teachers’ performance in teaching-learning activities; To establish effect of teachers’ attitude towards work on teachers’ performance in ensuring learner protection, safety and discipline and to establish effect of teachers’ attitude towards work on teachers’ performance in co-curricular activities. The Study used Mixed Methods research approach and Embedded Design while study locations were Nairobi and Murang’a Counties. Target population was 5690 people comprising of 5305 teachers and 385 principals. Sample had 376 teachers in 37 schools and were selected through stratified random and proportional sampling. Research instruments used were a Teachers’ Work Attitude Questionnaire and an Interview Schedule on Teachers’ Work Attitude for Principals. Data analysis was guided by the objectives. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically and complemented quantitative data. Both quantitative and qualitative data were reported in a complementary manner. The study found more than half of public secondary school teachers have a moderate attitude towards work and teachers with unfavourable attitude towards work were more than teachers with favourable attitude towards work. The study found teachers’ age, gender, teaching experience, school location, school category and area of specialization had no significant effect on teachers’ attitude towards work. The study found teachers’ attitude towards work affects positively teachers’ performance in the following areas in a significant way: preparation of professional documents and records; teaching-learning activities; maintenance of learners’ discipline and participation in co-curricular activities. The study recommends: School managers should appreciate the efforts of the teachers, open communication channels and assist teachers in solving their problems at the work place. All public secondary schools should invest more in teachers by encouraging and informing them the importance of professional documents. Teachers should embrace lesson observation at the school level. Teachers should take responsibility for poor performance in their subjects. Teachers should ensure the safety and protection of their learners at all times and look for alternative ways of disciplining the students and involve the parents, community and other stakeholders in disciplining learners. Teachers should participate willingly in co-curricular activities as they complement academic performance.enTeachers’Attitude Towards WorkProfessional PerformancePublic Secondary SchoolsNairobiMurang’a CountiesKenyaTeachers’ Attitude Towards Work and its Effects on their Professional Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi and Murang’a Counties, KenyaThesis