Gathaara, M. P. H.Kiara, J. M.2014-07-302014-07-301985-07Kenya Coffee (Kenia). Jul 1985. v. 50(587) p. 387-392. components (total and bearing nodes, fruits per node and fruits per primary) were compared in five tree densities with and whithout irrigation using Coffea arabica L cultivar SL 28. Measurements were taken at three canopy levels. Fruits per node and fruits per primary decreased down the tree canopy. Irrigation decreased bearing nodes, fruits per node and fruits per primary in the middle and bottom canopies. Fruits per node and fruits per primary had negative linear correlation with tree density. The effect of irrigation and tree density on the determination of yield components is discussed. It is concluded that irrigation and close-spacing enhanced vegetative growth which reduced light transmission through the tree canopy. This in turn resulted in poor yield parametersencoffea arabicacultivationirrigationpruningspacingproductionfruityieldsFactors that influence yield in close-spaced coffee.Article