Muli Stanley Mutua2024-09-112024-09-112024-06 Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Management Information System) of Kenyatta University June 2024 supervisors Franklin Kinoti Josphat KyaloEnterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are popular with large organizations spanning across big towns and cities in the world and not leaving out universities as institutions of higher learning. The purpose of ERP systems in the universities is to automate, customize and streamline the flow of information in their academic processes which comprise of student records, admissions, student finances, examination until graduation. The general objective of this study was to investigate enterprise resource planning integration and sustainability of academic processes in the coastal region, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine the effects of data security, information storage, management support and ERP infrastructure and sustainability of academic processes of the universities in the coastal region, Kenya. The study was anchored on resource-based view, technology acceptance model, diffusion of innovation theory and sustainability theory. The target population were 11 universities in the coastal region. The study employed census sampling design to sample 100 IT specialists from the 11 universities. In this study, descriptive research design was used. The study established that Data Security, (β= 0.187) and Information Storage, (β=0.208) positively impact sustainability of academic processes at 0.05 alpha. Similarly, it was noted that Management Support (β= 0.271) and ERP infrastructure (β= 0.333) statistically influence sustainability of academic processes. An important aspect that must be taken into account for a business to be successful is data security. Therefore, for successful cyber security preparation and reaction, a knowledge of data risk categorization is crucial. An organization's efficiency is correlated with its information storage capacity. Thus, in order to understand the volume of work being done, the capacity of data storage systems in a corporation must be established. The achievement of organizational goals depends heavily on management support. As a result, management must possess inherent abilities in motivating and supporting employees. A reliable ERP infrastructure is a key element in an organization's performance. This implies that improving organizational effectiveness through the integration of effective ICT networks. The ERP system can be seen as a tool for increasing competitiveness, strengthening organizational performance, and attaining business goals. This study recommends that data security needs to be appropriately handled by individuals who have the knowledge and abilities to safeguard and operationalize organizational data. The development of a strong ICT infrastructure is essential for a business's operations to be successful. Thirdly, management must have plans for the professional growth of staff members in order to boost business success. The significance of information technology architecture is crucial to improving organizational productivity. This validates the necessity for businesses to put in place a solid information technology infrastructure that will enable them to accomplish a range of organizational objectives and surpass their competitors financially.enEnterprise Resource Planning Integration and Sustainability of Academic Processes of the Universities in the Coastal Region, KenyaThesis