Ndung’u, Mary NginaIsoe, JasperMwangi, CeciliaIreri, Anthony2023-07-172023-07-172023Ndung’u, Mary Ngina, et al. "Social Competence As A Correlate Of School Adjustment Among Form One Students In Murang’a County, Kenya."https://www.ijiras.com/2023/Vol_10-Issue_5/paper_3.pdfhttp://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/26268ArticleMost students face a lot of difficulties in adjusting to their new school environment when they join secondary schools. This has been reported among form one students in Murang'a County. As more students struggle to fit in and cope with school adjustment challenges, the issue has grown to be a major source of concern. It has resulted in major problems for certain students who have developed a negative attitude and behavior toward the school, making it difficult for them to engage in studying. Little effort has been made to investigate the factors that contribute to students' poor adjustment to new school environment. The purpose of the study therefore was to investigate social competence as a correlate of school adjustment amongst form one students. The study adopted correlational research design to establish the relationship between social competence and school adjustment. The target population of this study included all 6043 form one students in the county. The study sampled 362 students from 12 out of 51 secondary schools.Purposive sampling was used to choose Murang'a South Sub-County. The 12 secondary schools were sampled using a stratified sampling procedure. To confirm the validity and reliability of the research instruments, piloting was carried out in one school with a sample of 20 (10 boys and 10 girls). The quantitative data collected were analyzed using SPSS. Social competence among students and school adjustment showed a positive and significant correlation with school adjustment, r (347) =.39, p <.05. A statistically significant difference in adjustment between boys and girls was also found by the independent t-test, t (347) = 3.26, p<.05. This suggests that form one boys and girls' levels of school adjustment differ significantly in favour of boys. The findings imply that boys adjusted more successfully than girls. The study recommends that in order to strengthen and guarantee students' school adjustment, instructors and all other school stakeholders should increase students' social competence.enSocial Competence as a Correlate of School Adjustment among Form One Students in Murang’a County, KenyaArticle