Momanyi,Francis Onduso2024-07-312024-07-312023-12 Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of The Degree of Masters of Science in Applied Mathematics in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences of Kenyatta University December, 2023 Supervisor Dr. Lawrence Njau Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science Kenyatta University Dr. Maurine Wafula School of Science and Technology United States International UniversityMHD as a field has got range of applications in real-life situations such as engineering and industries, polymer processing, glass fibre production, metallurgy, paper production glass blowing, purifying molten metal and non-metal inclusion, solar energy harvesting, paper production, cooling the nuclear reactant, and plastic film. This work investigated MHD flow in a rotating system over horizontal parallel plates with mass transfer in a porous media. The flow is considered steady and at the same time, the porous plates are stationary. The sheet along the z direction was considered infinite. The governing equations and the boundary conditions were non dimensionalised. The non-dimensional numbers obtained were; modified Grashof number, magnetic parameter, Rotational number, and permeability parameter. The resulting equations were then transformed using the FD method resulting in algebraic matrices that were solved by computer software (MATLAB) and then analysed for velocity and concentration profile. The numerical data on concentration and velocity profiles were recorded and presented graphically for interpretation and discussion. Some of the results revealed that velocity decreases when the magnetic parameter and Grashof number increase and an increase in Grashof values leads to a decrease in velocity.enMagnetohydrodynamic Flow in a Rotating System Over Horizontal Parallel Plates with Mass Transfer in a Porous Media.Thesis