Doyne MugambiOduol, Phanice Achieng2022-08-252022-08-252022 Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Award of Masters Degree in Educational Psychology in the School of Education, Kenyatta University June, 2022decline in students’ academic achievement remains a threat not only to individual students but also to the country’s economic development at large. Over the years, students’ academic achievement in KCSE in Kaloleni Sub-County has been considerably unsatisfactory and declining. The trends are detrimental and unless something is done, the Kaloleni Sub-County, Kilifi County and the Country in general will suffer huge loses as the inputs in education sector will not equate to students’ attainment in KCSE. Consequently, many students will continue to miss opportunities to advance on their careers, compete effectively on the job market and to take part in national development. Although, previous studies have consistently documented the importance of learning strategies and academic help seeking on students’ academic achievement, there is dearth of research on this area in Kaloleni Sub-County, Kilifi County. Therefore, the researcher aimed to fill this knowledge gap by conducting this study in Kaloleni Sub-County. Social cognitive theory of self- regulation guided the study. The investigations utilized correlational research design. The study locale was Kaloleni Sub-County, in Kilifi County and all the 1975 form two students in 22 public secondary schools were targeted. Purposive sampling was used in selection of Sub- county and the form two class, while recruitment of students in the study was done via simple random sampling. Then through stratified sampling, schools were classified into different strata including boarding (boys and girls) and co-educational schools. The sample size consisted of 320 students. GOAL-S scale and Academic Help Seeking Scale (AHSC) were used to collate data. Students’ academic achievement were measured using cumulative mean grade. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 21. Inferential statistics, that is, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and regression analysis were utilized to test hypotheses of the study at Alpha of 0.05. The findings revealed that metacognitive planning and academic achievement had a significant positive relationship, r (295) =.43, p <.05. A significant and positive relationship was also found between metacognitive monitoring and academic achievement, r (295) = .42, p <.05. The study furthermore established a positive and significant relationship between metacognitive regulation and academic achievement, r (295) = .46, p <.05). There is a positive significant relationship between adaptive academic help seeking and academic achievement, r (295) = .55, p < .05. It was also established that there exists a positive and significant relationship between expedient help seeking and academic achievement, r (295) =.51, p <.05. R square was 0.15 suggesting that 15% variance in academic achievement is predicted by learning strategies and academic help seeking. The study makes the following recommendations; students should always strive to effectively use metacognitive strategies and embrace academic help seeking to enhance their academic achievement scores, students should seek help from teachers and fellow students, curriculum designers and content creators should consider including learning strategies and academic help seeking in the course content, school administrators should create learning environment that foster skills on effective learning strategies and academic help seeking.enSecondary School StudentsMetacognitive Learning StrategiesAcademic Help-Seeking BehaviorsAntecedents of Academic AchievementStudents in KilifiMetacognitive Learning Strategies and Academic Help-Seeking Behaviors as Antecedents of Academic Achievement among Form Two Secondary School Students in Kilifi County,KenyaThesis