Willy, Daniel KyaloMacharia, IbrahimMarechera, GeorgeMuinga, GraceMugo, StephenRotich, RuthOniang'o, Ruth KhasayaKaranja, JamesObunyali, Caleb O.Oikeh, Sylvester O.2023-07-192023-07-192021Willy, D. K., Macharia, I., Marechera, G., Muinga, G., Mugo, S., Rotich, R., Oniang'o, R. K., Karanja, J., Obunyali, Caleb O., & Oikeh, S. O. (2021). Economic impact of DroughtTEGO® hybrid maize in Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 13(3), 215-226.2006-9774DOI: 10.5897/JDAE2021.1274http://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/26308articleThis paper utilizes the Economic Surplus Model (ESM) to provide an ex-post evaluation of the economic impact of drought tolerant hybrid maize technology in Kenya. Results indicate that the adoption of DroughtTEGO® varieties will generate economic benefit to producers with a net present value of US$ 2.1 billion over a 20-year period. These benefits are sustainable when adoption levels remain above 32% and yield advantage at least 21% over the commercial hybrids. These results present a compelling reason for investing in development, deployment and upscaling of the technology to mitigate the effects of drought among maize producers in AfricaenAdoptionclimate-smartDroughtTEGO®drought mitigationeconomic impacteconomic-surplus modelEconomic Impact of DroughtTEGO® Hybrid Maize in KenyaArticle