Mbaka, J. G.Gatumu, H. N.Tumuti, S.2023-07-272023-07-272011Mbaka, J. G., Gatumu, H. N., & Tumuti, S. (2011). Attitude of teachers and students towards the use of punishment in secondary schools in Kaloleni District of Coast province, Kenya.,no%201%20april%202010%20pdf/attitude%20of%20teachers%20and%20students.pdf study was carried out in 14 secondary schools in Kaloleni District. A descriptive approach was employed. Data were collected through the questionnaires designed for the teachers and students. The target population consisted of 215 teachers and about 5600 students in 14 secondary schools. A sample of 42 teachers and 206 students were proportionately selected in the sampled schools. There were four hypotheses, which were tested through inferential statistics of Chi Square and Point Bi-Serial Coefficient. Frequency and simple percentage were employed to the establish attitude of students and teachers towards punishment in secondary schools in Kaloleni District. The study found out amidst others that students and teachers actually felt that punishment was important in helping maintain discipline in secondary schools. Hence it was proposed among many things that teachers should be impressed upon to be fair when punishing students and must accompany it with explanation or rationale for the punishment.enAttitude of Teachers and Students towards the Use of Punishment in Secondary Schools in Kaloleni District of Coast Province, KenyaArticle