Ananda KubeChepng’eno, Rono Daisy2022-04-062022-04-062021 Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Statistics (Msc Statistics) in the School of Pure and Applied Sciences of Kenyatta University, October, 2021The CIR model is used to model interest rates in this project, which analyses an investment and consumption problem under bounded interest rate conditions. Our goal is to determine the optimal investment and consumption strategy to maximize predicted utility of consumption and terminal wealth. To begin, we build the HJB equation for the value function using the dynamic programming approach, and then complete our analysis using the logarithm utility. Second, by conjecturing the shape of a solution and solving partial differential equations, we build closedform solutions to the optimal investment and consumption strategies. Finally, we present a numerical example that demonstrates how market variables influence the best investment and consumption strategy.enContinous-Time Optimal InvestmentConsumption StrategyCommercial BanksHamilton-Jacob-Bellman Optimization TechniqueBounded Interest RatesA Continous-Time Optimal Investment and Consumption Strategy for Commercial Banks under the Hamilton-Jacob-Bellman Optimization Technique with Bounded Interest RatesThesis